Environmental Achievements for 2019

Posted: Friday 22nd November 2019

As part of TST commitment to continual environmental improvement and its drive to improve environmental performance TST has achieved the following in 2019:

  • Life cycle perspective defined – in order to consider the wider impacts the company has on the environment the process life cycle has been defined to include acquisition of raw materials, design, production, transportation/delivery, end of life treatment and final disposal.
  • Automatic Pond Flap Stopper Valve complete – An automatic valve to the outlet of the storm pond has been installed so that any spillage of hazardous liquids can be quickly detected in the surface water, with immediate containment on site therefore limiting the impact to environment.
  • Domestic re-cycling implemented – dry mixed re-cycling bins had been implemented across the factory to increase recycling on-site to include plastic bottles, cans and cardboard.
  • Acetylene hasn’t been completely eliminated from Overlay Coatings but has been drastically reduced – the process has been developed so that Acetylene reduces resources used but also lowers the overall Health and Safety risk at the site.
  • Post Coat Clean Effluent Plant Installed – to remove suspended solids at source thus improving the efficiency of the main Effluent Plant to achieve better waste water quality.
  • Re-usable cups and water bottles brought in – Re-usable cups and water bottles have been brought in to reduce the usage of ‘single-use’ plastic cups to help with the plastic waste / Plastic pollution problem.
  • ESOS Audit completed and registered – The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme energy audit has been completed and registered with the Environment Agency which has provided a number of good suggestions for ways of reducing our energy usage.
  • ISO 14001 re-certification achieved – As TST commitment to improving environmental performance, TST has achieved ISO 14001:2015 re-certification.
  • New improved Ammonia Storage containers installed – To improve the way ammonia is stored a new Ammonia storage container has been installed which is insulated and extracted to both improve Health and Safety but also making it more environmentally friendly.  A read across is now being done for other hazardous waste storage containers on site.
NADCAP Accredited
AS9100 Certified
ISO14001 Certified
ISO45001 Certified